

Downloads of studio and live MP3s.
All of them are direct downloads, so just right click and "save target as..." to download. Or you can listen to them before you download, by left-clicking on the song titles.

スタジオ・CD Versions

Bonnie Butterfly (live ver. of KinKi Kids song)
Care (Dream Boys live feat. Ryo Nishikido)
Cobalt Blue (live cover)
Destiny (Shounen Club ver.)
Destiny (Dream Boy ver.)
Easy Go Lucky! (live ver. of SMAP song)
Freak Out! (Dream Boy live)
GOLD (Ballad version)
Grecian (Jin's "SUMMARY" solo)
Hesitate (Jin's solo)
It Can't Be (Jin's English solo)
NEW! Peak
NEW! Pinky (Jin's 2006 Concert solo)
Search (Kame's Dream Boys solo)
晴天の霹靂・Seiten no Hekireki (full live ver. from Shokura)
Unknown Title (another of Kame's Dream Boys solos)

カラオケ・Karaoke Instrumentals
GOLD (fan made)
Real Face (altered pitch so that girls can sing it)
She Said... (fan made)
SIGNAL (original single instrumental)
"Special Happiness" - Kame & Taguchi duet (fan-made, not 100% quality)

This is all the KAT-TUN MP3s I have at the moment. When I get more, I will upload them here.

We are the fairies. We believe in him, because he believes in us.